Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Big Brother 2014: Find out why Steven Goode's growing closeness to Kimberly Kisselovich is a fauxmance #TheEliteParty #Entertain9jar via @myentertain9jar

Our body language expert Judi James explains why Steven could be playing a game to ensure he stays in the house
There's been a passion vacancy since Tamara was ousted from the House last week, leaving love-lorn Winston alone with his stories of snogging women and vomiting at the same time.
Steven has obviously had an eye for super-smart Kimberly since the word go but now he's notching his flirting up a gear we need to know whether we're seeing romance or fauxmance blooming on our screens.
Steven kept stroking Kimberly's arm while having pillow talk [Channel 5]
Steven kept stroking Kimberly's arm while having pillow talk [Channel 5]
Here's some clues to keep us busy while this new plot unfolds:
1. It makes some sort of sense visually. Steven sees himself as house alpha male and Kimberly is probably the best-looking and smartest girl in there.
2. Steven's mum claims Kimberly is just Steven's type. That might be an obvious point but I'd need to hear from Kimberly's mum too, I doubt she'd be so effusive!
The 23-year-old couldn't resist giving Kimberley a good night kiss [Channel 5]
The 23-year-old couldn't resist giving Kimberley a good night kiss [Channel 5]
3. Steven clearly sees himself as a bit of a big hitter. Some of his chat-up techniques have been toe-curling though, like the one about the amount of places he's been abroad. He lives with his mum too, would this appeal to the cosmopolitan Kim? His other classic gaffe was to guess her age too high.
4. Kimberly does use body language signals of faint disgust when Steven turns on the charm, like eye-rolling.
The Big Brother contestant admits he only gets in a relationship if he believes it can go the distance [Channel 5]
The Big Brother contestant admits he only gets in a relationship if he believes it can go the distance [Channel 5]
5. However she did stay put while that hand was creeping up her back last night. ( maybe she was feeling light-headed from all the fag smoke he was blowing over her)
6. Any alliance is currently useful in there right now as the house is blasted by rows every five minutes. Steven has sucked up to Pauline in a bid to survive and Kim has even been seen cackling with Helen. 
Judi James, body language expert [PhilipWade]
Judi James, body language expert [PhilipWade]
If this flirt-fest does have legs (and Kim currently isn't looking too convinced) I believe it would be part attraction on Steven's side and part game-playing too. 
We should always be suspicious when the canoodling escalates close to eviction time and as a prime nominee this week Steven must be borderline desperate to ingratiate with the voting public!
It's fair to say Steven Goode was a little upset about his nomination [Channel 5]
It's fair to say Steven Goode was a little upset about his nomination [Channel 5]

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