Monday 9 June 2014

Josie Gibson's Big Brother blog: Game plans, killer nominations and BB romances #BringBackOurGirls #Entertain9jar via @myentertain9jar

Former reality show winner delivers her verdict on the housemates exclusively to Entertain9jar, every Monday

Hey guys,
I'm so excited that Big Brother is back! I'm still waiting for it to spice up a bit and I definitely need some fireworks but they're all just warming up at the moment.
I think they can all definitely hold their own this series so I am expecting it to kick off soon.
Josie Gibson is thrilled to have Big Brother back on her screen [Wenn]
Josie Gibson is thrilled to have Big Brother back on her screen [Wenn]
Helen and Danielle are the ones to watch for me at the moment. I mean, Helen is so judgmental and how can she be?! I do feel bad, but I quite like her character.
I also feel SO sorry for Coleen. Can you imagine what she's going through? She's a fan of the show and I can't imagine she'll be watching this year.
Little Miss Prim and Proper also has the biggest game plan. She's trying to make out she's whatever when she's a glamour model and claimed she slept with Dexter Koh from last series.
Don't go making out that you don't like talking about penises when you've done an interview about Dexter's willy. So don't make out that you're all this and a bag of s*** Danielle, because we know what you're really like!
Personally, I think she's very insecure and she doesn't know what to be like. I don't think she's got very many mates.
Toya is my favourite, though. She's just like one of my mates. The fact she brought her fanny spray in and told the whole nation she uses it makes me think 'go on girl'.
Pauline Bennett could be in trouble with her housemates once her Power Trip ends [Wenn/Channel 5]
Pauline Bennett could be in trouble with her housemates once her Power Trip ends [Wenn/Channel 5]
Pauline's power trip
She was my favourite at the start but now Toya is. I don't think this power thing (how good of a twist is that, by the way?!) has gone to her head yet. Pauline is very loyal and kept close to her own people.
I think she got the wrong end of the stick with the Chris thing – who I LOVE – and took it too seriously but she was VERY clever with the whole Helen in the final decision.
Who's really going to pick someone who slept with the nation's sweetheart's husband and then sold the story to a national newspaper? Very smart move.
Pauline's vote to send Helen straight to the final was very smart [Wenn/Channel 5]
Pauline's vote to send Helen straight to the final was very smart [Wenn/Channel 5]
She's getting quite used to the power thing, though, and when she gets stripped from it I wonder how many people will be licking her a*** then?
If it was up to me I'd definitely be giving my killer nomination to Danielle. Can you imagine me in the house with her? She'd find me grotesque! But I think she'll vote for Matthew as I don't think she's taken to him.
Here come the boys
I tell you what, Marlon, phwoar! He has completely won me over. He's so FIT. For me he should definitely win the alpha male position. Or maybe Ash as he's quite cool and relaxed.
I'm having lots of fun watching Stephen chat up Kimberly too as he's got no chance! She's quite sweet and I think she should definitely hold out. She just doesn't look interested.
Also, was it just me or was the whole Tamara and Winston thing quite awkward? I mean, who jumps in a bathtub with someone they've just met?! It didn't seem natural. I think they know that if you couple up you get loads of attention. A bit like me and John James, just a shame we did't realise until we came out the house.
Anyone else find this whole thing awkward?!  [Channel 5]
Anyone else find this whole thing awkward?! [Channel 5]
Year of the game plans
There are lots of game players this year. Everyone in the house seems to know their stuff and can definitely hold their own. They're all desperate to win.
At the moment they are all keen to impress one another but from my experience, it only takes about a week for people to forget about the cameras and really be themselves.
These first few days are important for everyone to hold their own otherwise you get forgotten about. If no one is making an impact on you then you put them up for eviction.
Danielle and young Ashleigh will struggle the most as they'e just not gelling with anyone. Pauline might be caught out when she loses her power too as she'll really start to learn who's who.
But to be honest, I think most of them would just struggle in life really...
I think Danielle and Ashleigh are struggling to bond with anyone during these first few days [Wenn/Channel 5]

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